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 Results for DC.creator="P." AND DC.creator="Emsley"
Macromolecular model building and validation using Coot
Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B. and Cowtan, K., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, ch. 17.1, pp. 443-447 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000853 ]
Snoeyink, J., Richardson, J. S. & Richardson, D. C. (2007). MolProbity: all-atom contacts and structure validation for proteins and nucleic acids . Nucleic Acids Res. 35, W375–W383. Google Scholar Emsley, P. & Cowtan, K. (2004). Coot ...

Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B. and Cowtan, K., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section 17.1.1, pp. 443-443 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000853 ]

Find ligands
Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B. and Cowtan, K., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 444-444 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000853 ]

     [more results from section 17.1.2 in volume F]

Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B. and Cowtan, K., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section 17.1.4, pp. 446-446 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000853 ]

Rotamer analysis
Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B. and Cowtan, K., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 446-446 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000853 ]

     [more results from section 17.1.3 in volume F]

Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B. and Cowtan, K., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section 17.1.5, pp. 446-446 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000853 ]

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